Tuesday, February 15, 2011

OList Happy Hour: Spotlight on OGeeks

Three new OLists have recently been launched: OGeeks, OLeaders, and OCrafters. For the next few weeks, we're going to take a break from our regular Happy Hour topic format and spotlight these new lists individually.

This week's Happy Hour will feature the OGeeks list.

Since the format and pace of a live chatroom make for a different dynamic than the back-and-forth of email messages, this should be a fun way for OGeeks to get to know each other, as well as for other OList'ers to meet and interact with the Geeks.

From the list's description:
OGeeks is an informal private discussion list for Objectivists and others interested in geeky topics like science, computing, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Its purpose is to facilitate discussion and sharing among Objectivists about all things geeky, such as best practices in programming, software reviews, scientific discoveries, educational resources, logic puzzles, technology trends, and geek comics. 
Any Objectivist with serious geeky interests in science, computing, engineering, mathematics, and/or technology may subscribe and post to OGeeks. Moreover, non-Objectivist geeks, as well as non-geeky Objectivists, are welcome to subscribe to the list, but only as lurkers; they cannot post. OGeeks is not moderated, but members who violate its rules will be subject to moderation, if not unsubscribed. 
OGeeks is managed by Rose Wiegley. Rose has a Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. She has had programming jobs that ranged from a Fortune 500 company to a small startup. She currently stays home with her children but programs and reads technical manuals for fun during all that spare time most sane people spend sleeping. She blogs at A Little Bit of Green. She can be reached at rwiegley@gmail.com.
OGeeks was launched in January 2011.

Other OList'ers and lurkers on the lists are welcome as well.  Come join in the Geekery! 


Happy Hour takes place in the OList Chatroom, every Tuesday night, from 9-10 p.m. Eastern and 6-7 p.m. Pacific.

Point your browser to www.olist.com/chat.  You will be asked for a login and password - check your OList email for these.

You will see the chat window that looks like this:

On the right is the list of users participating; on the left is the chat itself.  At the bottom, you have the option of logging in through your facebook account, or as a guest.  If you log in through facebook, it will pull your profile picture into the list next to your name, which is a nice feature.

For general information on the OLists Socials, check out the OList Events page here.

Your hosts for the OList Socials are @DianaHsieh@laforgetm (aka William Green) and myself, @Earl3d

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